When pitching for the brand in 2014 we came up with the line 'You're better off at ASDA'. It helped win the business for VCCP. But, after six months in the agency, the campaign needed a creative jump-start. We were tasked with doing something fun and PR-able for Easter in no time and with zero budget. Step forward - ASDA's easter chick.
The TV spot got ASDA the kind of PR they'd been craving, clocking up hundreds of thousands of online views in its first few weeks. But that wasn't it. There were a few pence left from the budget, so we made the ASDA dancing chick generator online…. http://chicks.asda.com/
The deranged Easter chick worked brilliantly for client and they continued with that theme for some time. A while later we added another feathered character to the campaign in the form of a parakeet who spat East 17 lyrics like they were going outta' fashion. Made a TV spot and poster and.... client never ran it. (But here it is anyway)